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DNA 2013 Conference

Untitled Document
  Gene Synthesis

DNA Sequencing

Protein Sequencing

FAME Analysis

Kits for Molecular Biology

Primer Synthesis

Bacterial Identification 16S rDNA
Products & Kits
  Agarose Gel Electrophoresis Kit

Genomic DNA Extraction Kit

Fungal Genomic DNA Extraction Kit

Bacterial DNA Purification Kit

RAPD Application Kit (Using RAPD technique)

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Saturday, 27th of July, 2024
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Experimental data output has considerably grown in size and complexity. BioAxis and BioAxis and DRC helps scientists to save time and improve quality by providing leading-edge software technologies for data analysis. We assign the functional and morphological classification as per the clients needs by creating the genome knowledge repositories and gene regulation studies. Mutation detection, Alternatively spliced gene detection as well as SNP Analysis will also be handled as per the client’s need.  PROTEOME / TRANSCRIPTOMEANALYSIS
Proteins are always considered as the first rank entities for the Drug development processes, Vaccine development or Disease diagnostic marker formations. We at BioAxis and BioAxis and DRC provide the most accurate protein information which may be used for client specific purposes. Our scientists are capable of Protein Identification and characterization, Protein- protein interactions as well as the post transcriptional modification studies.  DATABASE DEVELOPMENT AND MAINTAINENCE
New technologies in genomics and proteomics yield large amounts of data. Our efficient data management gives you rapid access to any information, whether it is for scientific evaluation, improvement of workflow management or to assess quality control. We simplify access to heterogeneous data sources by providing easy to use, web based user interfaces. After analysis of your specific needs, we suggest a database system which serves your interests best. We also offer solutions for data storage problems as they might occur for storage and retrieval of multidimensional data.  VACCINE PROTEINS SCREENING FROM THE GENOME
Vaccine research is one of the most upcoming fields after the drug development. We provide the cost effective screened and the most effective and appropriate vaccine candidates from the whole genome for the client specific purposes. Our services will include the identification of cell surface antigens for the vaccine research purposes. We at BioAxis and BioAxis and DRC also perform the data analysis for the drug and vaccine efficacy.  GENE EXPRESSION /VARIATION STUDIES
Gene expression is a multi-step process in which the expression of particular genes may be assessed with DNA microarray technology, we do expression profiling, which can provide a rough measure of the cellular concentration of different messenger RNAs; often thousands at a time. BioAxis and BioAxis and DRC is focused on discovering associations between genetic variations and disease, with this; we intend to develop diagnostic products, Analysis of effective drug and vaccines combinations that provide medically relevant information for physicians, patients, and the scientists. Such tests may help physicians to better predict, diagnose, monitor and treat some of today’s significant and complex health problems. They can prescribe a right drug combination to a right patient at the right time. In the biological research labs this is very much useful for the genetic disorder analysis.  DATA MINING, DATA ANALYSIS
We at BioAxis and BioAxis and DRC are capable of mining the client specific datas. Generally, data mining (sometimes called data or knowledge discovery) is the process of analyzing data from different perspectives and summarizing it into useful information - information that can be used to increase revenue, cuts costs, or both. It allows users to analyze data from many different dimensions or angles, categorize it, and summarize the relationships identified. Technically, data mining is the process of finding correlations or patterns among dozens of fields in large relational databases. Our scientists and professionals will be defining sophisticated statistical analysis generating graphical outputs where appropriate. This will add value to your data by integrating external genomics and proteomics databases. Systemic analysis of adverse effects and risk factors to a disease/infection/drug to generate new hypothesis and identifying the toxicity reasons is also done as per the client need.  KNOWLEDGE EXTRACTION, PUBLISHING & CUSTOM CONTENT CREATION
BioAxis and BioAxis and DRC will add specific literature based information on your area of interest to create more detailed entries to enrich your proprietary database. Our experienced Content Team uses efficient and effective processes for creating high quality databases from the literature. We will work with your scientists to define the project and will provide feedback at critical points in the creation process to ensure the result is aligned with your needs. During and after content compilation, our highly qualified professionals employ rigorous Quality Control processes and standards to further validate the depth and accuracy of the content. Mixture of automatic text mining, semiautomatic verification and manual verification is executed to ensure the quality of the data.  SEQUENCE AND STRUCTURE ANALYSIS
Sequence analysis encompasses the use of various bioinformatics methods to determine the biological function and/or structure of genes and the proteins they code for. It can help to determine the protein coding regions of a DNA sequence. We will align DNA or protein sequences in order to elucidate their relatedness as well as their evolutionary origin.  INSILICO ANALYSIS OF BEST METABOLIC PATHWAY
With the sequencing of complete genomes, it is now possible to reconstruct the network of biochemical reactions in many organisms, from bacteria to human. A grand challenge in the post-genomic era is to enable computational prediction of higher-level complexity of cellular processes and organism behaviors from genomic and molecular information. We at BioAxis and BioAxis and DRC will screen the most appropriate and accurate Metabolic pathways as per the client needs.  BIOLOGICAL INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT
Many non-patented tangible research properties such as antibodies, clones, cell lines, and data sets may also have commercial value. All such inventions and discoveries, whether or not patentable, may be valuable intellectual property.BioAxis and BioAxis and DRC encourages and provides a path for the disclosure of valuable intellectual properties as well as new ideas and discoveries for the purpose of assessing commercial potential by enabling technology development and commercialization through licensing for fair and equitable return for the interested companies, organizations, Inventors and Investors.  CONTRACT RESEARCH
BioAxis and BioAxis and DRC offers clients a wide range of pharmaceutical /Life science research services for the pharmaceutical/Biotech/Life science industries in new Insilico Drug development/ Reverse Vaccinology and various immunological fields. Our scientists at BioAxis and BioAxis and DRC may provide you with solutions to specific, business critical, proprietary research problems. We strive to provide research solutions in a timely manner with uncompromising commitment to quality, reliability, and efficiency.  EDUCATION AND TRAINING FOR STRENGTHNING KNOWLEDGEBASE
BioAxis and BioAxis and DRC works to create a platform conductive for the growth promotion and partnering in the field of Bioinformatics. In this era of Biological Research our scientists and Researchers are taking the full-fledged step towards the conceptual, logical and practical accuracy of the Research & Development by applying up-to-dated approaches and technologies and techniques The faculty is strongly committed in training independent researchers, students, professionals who will make ongoing contributions to the biological sciences throughout their careers in academia, government or industry.  INCREASING ALLIANCE AMONG INDUSTRY AND ACADEMICS
Career opportunities in the biological sciences as they apply to public health are expected to grow both in academia and in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries. To satisfy both these criteria an individual must have capacity for the vigorous pursuit of scientific knowledge with proper practical exposure. BioAxis and BioAxis and DRC by objectives associates Companies, Universities, Colleges, Biological experts, Research Organizations and work closely for enhancing the opportunities in the fertile area of Bioinformatics and emerging new applications for the benefits of the Society and human race.  BIOLOGICAL INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT
Today a matter of growing concern in any knowledge-based industry is "protection of research results prior to its public dissemination" termed popularly as Intellectual Property Rights (IPR). We provide guidance in this aspect through the different key forms involved.  MEDICAL CONTENT DEVELOPMENT
Our key offerings in this domain are comprehensive range of high-quality writing, editorial, and publishing services, creating abstracts related to the field of medicine. Our medical content services offer tremendous cost cutting opportunities without compromising on the high degree of quality, accuracy and knowledge that you need. We suggest the most effective communication plans.

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